Friday, June 29, 2007

Mummy's 34 week scan

Daddy and Mummy saw me thru the scan machine on Friday. I have grown bigger and my feet were wrapped up on my head. No space for me to move liao. Dad said I can be a good gymnast!

Prof PC Wong was on leave so Prof Mary Rauff spoke to Dad and Mum. Looking at the report, she said that the water level of the ambiotic fluid is good and all should be well. Dad and mum were relieved:> (Me too!).

Mum's weight was 63.3 kg, up from 60kg 2 weeks ago. Dad has been 'forcing' mum to eat more and drink more so that hopefully some of the food can be used to beef up my weight.

Don't know how true but I certainly sensed that mummy's recent food intake included durians, cakes, milk and lots of goodies!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Daddy & Mummy

They are my dear daddy and mummy. Before they have me, they loved to travel and this picture was taken in Perth, where Uncle Eddie lives.

After mummy got pregnant, they cannot travel liao (all my fault..:<)