Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Before & After

Hi, wanna see how much I have changed over the past one month since I was born? Take a look at these BEFORE and AFTER pics... I have indeed grown bigger and cuter, right? See the clothes are now fitter liao!




Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sofa(r) so good

Daddy wants to watch TV and mummy asked him to watch me also... so I end up watching TV with Daddy loh...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Sleeping Partners

I am not alone... got so many sleeping partners to keep me company...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Me & my car seat

I am still too small for the car seat (sigh...). Looks like I still have to be 'hand-carried' when going on daddy's car

Monday, August 20, 2007

I am ONE month old liao

My full month falls on 20 Aug 07. It as 'celebrated' over 3 days, one day at my grandma's house, one day at my own home (lots of uncles and aunties came to visit me and I received many gifts!), and one day for daddy and mummy to give cakes to their colleagues. I very relaxed but daddy and mummy had to do all the work. Ain't they glad that it's over!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Uncle Eddie & Me

Uncle Eddie specially flew back from Perth to celebrate my full-month. So nice of him...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Double Chin

Daddy was so proud that I inherited his trade-mark :>

Monday, August 13, 2007

I Love to Suck

Who says babies only suck mummy's breast and bottle teats? Daddy's little finger is one of my favourites too !

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mini Boxing

This is my first mini movie production... mini boxing...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Close up snapshot

This is one of my close-up snapshot.

Not the most handsome look but definitely got 'character' one leh....

Friday, August 10, 2007

My New Shoes

Auntie Irene bought me a pair of new soft shoes... she knows I like to kick a lot and aspire to be a soccer player so let me have a head start.

Wonder when she's going to get me a jersey and soccer ball..???

Thursday, August 9, 2007

National Day

My EDD was suppose to be on National Day but I chose to 'come out' earlier so that I can join in the celebration. See how patriotic I am :>

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My First Clinic Visit

After discharge 11 days ago, I went for my first clinic visit at Clinic A today. It's also my first time out of home.

At the clinic, the nurse took my weight and height and the results made Daddy and Mummy very happy.

I have put on weight! (I am now 2.53kg, up from 1.86kg at discharge) and I am taller by 4 cm. So the home-made efforts in feeding me has not gone to waste. Come to think of it, I have increase my milk intake from 40ml to 60ml in addition to breastmilk.

Dr Lee Le Ye was a nice lady doctor and she will see me again on 4 Sep.

Monday, August 6, 2007

My New Clothes

On Sunday, Auntie Irene bought some new clothes for me. Knowing my tiny size, it was very difficult to find a suitable clothes for me. She even hand-washed them so that I can wear them immediately.
Do you think I look good in them?

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Turtle Crawl

Daddy very free nothing to do... so make me learn to turn into a turtle !

He said this turtle crawl exercise is good for me... well, at least I get to see things from a different angle now... as I do get bored lying on my back everytime...

... but as I am only 17 days old, I need Daddy's support to do this stunt...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Mummy's Birthday

TODAY is Mummy's Birthday
Mummy says I am already a Great Birthday Gift

So I don't need to give anything to her
Just need to GROW up Fast...

Mummy will be very Happy Already !

Hmm... so easy to make her happy !

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sleeping Time

See how soundly I sleep ...zzzz...zzzz....

Have u ever seen a baby sleeping like this (along the breadth) in the cot? This just show how 'tiny winny' I am.

But nevermind, my legs are almost touching the edge, so I should be changing position soon as I grow taller :>

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Waking Time

Good morning everyone,

Although I sleep most of the time, when I am awake, I will greet you with a SMILE !

SunBathing Time

I don't really like to expose myself like this! But they say that I should sunbathe a while in the morning so that I don't get jaundice... so no choice loh :<
Luckily the sun is not too glaring.. (sigh..) if only I can sunbathe by the swimming pool and see pretty gals in bikini.. that would be fun :>