Friday, November 30, 2007

Look of the Month

You say who's cuter.... me or teddy dog?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Auntie Yi-An's Birthday Party

Celebrating her 5th year old birthday party yesterday evening....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bowling @ SPGG

Yesterday, I was invited to Uncle Siew Hong's club (S'pore Poly Graduates' Guild) for bowling. Not to bowl (I have problem holding a ball, how to bowl?) but to get some bowling tips from Uncle and Cousin Hei Kern who are bowling there. I don't feel lonely there, in fact, I had great company from Auntie Irene and Cousin Hei Mern who bought a pink Piggy puppet and soft blue ball for me. I was at first scared of the puppet... never know a toy can talk to me and the mouth keep open and close, open and close. The ball was less intimidating :> I watched mummy play also but she's not a good player, better than me lah... But most of the time, my eyes are wondering around the bowling centre where there are so many lanes and the lightings and deco are very colourful. My eyes will also turn towards the lane whenever someone rolls the bowls to hit the pins.

There are many types of colourful bowling balls and I wish I'll grow up one day to be able to play bowling... I heard that daddy is also going to play bowling next week... I hope I can tag along also.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reading is a good habit

... if only I can recognise the words! Sadly, the words know me but I don't know them (yet)...Obviously my pose if just for fun... I cannot read yet, how to understand the news???

Monday, November 26, 2007

Do I look like a GIRL?

Mummy dolled me up with hairclip and scarf to show the 'feminine' side of me. She said next time if the Gents is full, I can go to the Ladies instead!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Beckham Hairstyle

Those bunch of curly hair on top my head is creating some headache for me. They are curly and grow slowly, so it's neither here nor there... except that if I gel them up, it look like David Beckham's hairstyle. But of course I am the cuter version (he he)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cereal Time

I started on my rice cereal today during my morning feed. Yesterday mum got to work so postponed to today. I was given just one small teaspoon to start with. Unlike sucking from the milk bottle, I have to move my tongue and lips, which I have a hard time doing it! (Much as I like the food and enjoy the taste)... so now I know how adults eat their food. But I don't have teeth to bite so the cereal is really very mushy. Mummy gave up after a few tries because I keep spitting out the cereal and got her frustrated. Auntie Nelia was more patient and slowly she made me eat all the cereal (and I think it took her nearly 20mins) just to feed me 1 teaspoon... after cereal, I drank my milk and water. So today is a 3-course meal for me.

Well, there's always the first time and I'm sure I will be able to eat faster tomorrow !

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I am FOUR months old today

I'm 4 mths old today and Mummy bought me a present -> 'Heinz Baby Rice Cereal' which I will start to eat it tomorrow. (Hopefully I don't spill all over!) Hmm... at last I can chew on something! I am a big boy now ! My weight is now 7.1kg...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Peeping 'Wee Kian'

Luckily my name is not Tom! haha

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007


Hey, I promised Daddy & Mummy that I will be able to turn over before 4 mths old... and I did it!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sweety Look

Do you think I look very sweet in this 'snow-white' outfit? Some people even thought I am a baby girl leh...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Head's Up

See... I can now lift my head up real high!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My 5-in-1 Jab

I went for my jab today. Mummy gave me 2ml of paracetamol in the morning before the visit. I didn't suspect a thing when mummy dressed me in the Pooh romper... I thought it was another outing....

At the clinic, I was put on the weighing machine and guess what... I'm now 6.67kg! My length is 59cm and my head circum is 42cm. Dr Lee examined me and assured mum that I am growing fine! When she listened to my heartbeat, she commented that there's an 'innocent murmur', but it's nothing to be alarmed of.

After wishing her a Happy Deepavali, we went to the injection room and wait for my turn to be 'shot'. I remained very calm and was dozing off when my name was called. Oh no! My mum secured my left thigh while the nurse push the needle in. I gave a loud scream and a few cries and was back to normal behaviour in a very short while.

Can you see the little bandage on my left thigh? That's where I got my jab. I am a and brave boy... no fever at all!

Monday, November 5, 2007

At Grandpa's Shop

Last Sunday, I visited Grandpa at his shop. Was amazed with all the colourful goodies on display on the shop. Many customers came and say 'hi' to me, which made me feel like an VIP (ha ha). Auntie Yi-an was also very nice to me as she played with me and even gave me a cute bag!

Like Father Like Son

Everyone says I had all my Daddy's good (and bad) genes... he he... do you think I will look like him... in 30 years' time?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Three Men & a Baby

Daddy brought me to Uncle Siew Why's Warren Golf & Country Club for a get-together. Biao Ge Hei Kern and Ren Jet went for a swim... how I wish I can swim too! I love water but I cannot swim... only can dip my little feet in the water (for a while)....