Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My doctor visit

I went for my 6-in-1 jab today. This will be the last of the package of 3 jabs. I remember I had fever after the 1st jab, but I didn't have any on my 2nd jab. For this 3rd one, well, so far so good... I was a brave boy, in fact, I was sleeping when I was brought into the clinic. Mummy woke me up and before I knew it, I felt a pain on my right thigh... I cried out loud for a few seconds, sob in mummy's chest for a few more seconds, and went back to sleep! At home, I was just as active and kicking away. Auntie Nelia is monitoring my temperature regularly to make sure I am ok.

Oh.. just to update on my statistics:- Weight: 7.78kg, Length: 65.5cm, Head circum: 43 cm. Dr Lee said I am developing fine except for a slight 'innocent murmur' tingy. At the NUH Kopitiam, I also met one of the nurses that took care of me during my first week. I bet she couldn't recognise me liao :>

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