Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm sick

I'm down with running nose, phlegm and rashes.... I went to see doc at Chia Child and Baby Clinic @ Clementi on Sunday and was given medicine to take. Luckily I feel much better after the medicince :>

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Daddy's Back !

This morning early early at 6.30am I am already @ Changi Airport T3 to fetch my daddy. Haven't seen him for 2 weeks leh... luckily he didn't change much and I can still recognise him :>

Daddy bought me a very cute red pinnochio that can move when pulled and a t-shirt with a knight. So sad I cannot eat the chocolates and chewing gum he bought back.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mr Moody

I'm quite moody and cranky today because I'm having a slight fever and am restless. Always want to be carried. Mummy stayed at home to look after me... but after taking medicine, i am ok already.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Swimming in the 'adult' pool

I got a chance to swim with mummy in the adult pool today. We 'dressed up' and went down at around 8.30am... but when we stepped out of the lift lobby, it started to rain. We took shelter at the carpark and gazed sadly up the sky... when sudden rain? The passers-by aunties and uncles said 'oh boy boy, raining cannot swim ..' even the cleaning Malay auntie said 'sayang, cannot swim'... we felt so paiseh... so we went up again. After watching Kids Central from 9 - 9.30am, mummy said 'the rain has stopped, let's go down'... This time, it's really a sunny time. I didn't cry at all when mummy put me and float into the adult pool. Mummy swam and push me along. One auntie asked how old I am as she wants to throw her baby into the pool soon... I also attracted some attention as I am the only baby in the pool today.
So though I missed Daddy, I am happier today because of the chance to go to the pool. Also, mummy got incentive to swim too because she's exercising while pushing me along too.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden visit

This morning, mummy brought me to the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden @ Botanical Gardens. It's very big garden specially created for children below 12. I was a bit moody and you would have noticed I didn't smile alot during the photoshoot, or I had a blur look. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the greenery, different kinds of plants and the many people around. I think I will be able to enjoy much more in a few months' time when I know how to walk. (Maybe that's why I'm so 'moody'...)

I am NINE months old today

Wow.. how time flies... I am into my 9th month today! I have learnt to cruise, can stand and sit quite alright and my teeth (I hope) is coming up fast... can feel hard hard but not visible. Mummy hopes that my teeth can wait until I can walk before they come up because then I will not fall and hurt my teeth...

While I'm in my cot, I like to be a woodpecker, biting on the woods... so you see how big my mouth can become?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My first bus ride and visit to the fun fair

Today mummy brought me for my first bus ride on No. 143 and No.65 as we went to the CHIJ St Teresa's Convent funfair. While I really enjoyed the aircon bus ride, I was sleeping most of the time during the journey.. which was a good thing cos if I become cranky, we will be 'forced' out of the bus. Of course the journey was much slower than in Daddy's car, but it was still an experience.

When we reached the funfair, there were many people... esp, GIRLs (because it's a girls school mah)... we also met Grandauntie Margaret who thought I was more than 1 year old! Oh my god... do I look so mature??? Mummy bought me 5 little books and I look forward to reading them :>

Friday, April 18, 2008

Photos for Daddy

At Turf City

I was having dinner @ Turf City when Daddy called Mummy... I ate 'speciality tofu' with egg and chestnut filling and mayonise sauce. Daddy asked mummy to take good care of me... and not the other way round, asked me to take care of mummy???