Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Swimming in the 'adult' pool

I got a chance to swim with mummy in the adult pool today. We 'dressed up' and went down at around 8.30am... but when we stepped out of the lift lobby, it started to rain. We took shelter at the carpark and gazed sadly up the sky... when sudden rain? The passers-by aunties and uncles said 'oh boy boy, raining cannot swim ..' even the cleaning Malay auntie said 'sayang, cannot swim'... we felt so paiseh... so we went up again. After watching Kids Central from 9 - 9.30am, mummy said 'the rain has stopped, let's go down'... This time, it's really a sunny time. I didn't cry at all when mummy put me and float into the adult pool. Mummy swam and push me along. One auntie asked how old I am as she wants to throw her baby into the pool soon... I also attracted some attention as I am the only baby in the pool today.
So though I missed Daddy, I am happier today because of the chance to go to the pool. Also, mummy got incentive to swim too because she's exercising while pushing me along too.

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