Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My 5-in-1 Jab

I went for my jab today. Mummy gave me 2ml of paracetamol in the morning before the visit. I didn't suspect a thing when mummy dressed me in the Pooh romper... I thought it was another outing....

At the clinic, I was put on the weighing machine and guess what... I'm now 6.67kg! My length is 59cm and my head circum is 42cm. Dr Lee examined me and assured mum that I am growing fine! When she listened to my heartbeat, she commented that there's an 'innocent murmur', but it's nothing to be alarmed of.

After wishing her a Happy Deepavali, we went to the injection room and wait for my turn to be 'shot'. I remained very calm and was dozing off when my name was called. Oh no! My mum secured my left thigh while the nurse push the needle in. I gave a loud scream and a few cries and was back to normal behaviour in a very short while.

Can you see the little bandage on my left thigh? That's where I got my jab. I am a and brave boy... no fever at all!

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