Thursday, December 20, 2007

I am FIVE months old today

How time flies! I am 5 months old today and weigh 7.5kg already. Daddy and Mummy brought me to MacDonald's @ West Coast for breakfast. I only look while they eat! :< ... then we went to the park for a stroll... but I fell asleep in Mummy's arm and Daddy just shook his head (everytime we go to the park, I sure fall asleep)... In the evening, I was brought down to the Pool for a swim. This is the first time with Daddy's company so I was very excited and really want to show him that I am a brave boy not afraid of water. This is also the first time I went to the pool in my new 'botak' look. Incidentally, the Heinz cereal that Mum bought for my 4th month birthday is finishing soon, so she bought a brand new packet of 'Brown rice' for me. Daddy says brown rice makes my bones stronger and I can run faster... talking about that... I am learning to crawl real fast (though the method not very right)... I use my buttocks and legs instead of my hands.. (can you imagine how funny it looks?)

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