Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My 1st Morning Swimming

I had always been admiring the pool from my window but it had been raining everyday and I cannot go down to the pool. Last week, I went down once but it was raining so heavily that mummy had to pull me out after just 2 minutes. Today, we prayed harder for the rain not to come (but it came anyway, though much later). At 8.30am,Mummy and Auntie Nelia dressed me up in my swimming trunk and brought me to the Baby Pool below. Hey, I was very cool and didn't cry at all. Except for a second when my tiny feet first touched the water. After that, it was a breeze... I feel so comfortable and secure in my float and waddled around in the water. Of course it helps that mummy is not too far away and my head is up and not wet. Just a pity that there wasn't any bikini gals around for me to admire. I stayed in water for a long while (more than 20 min) before mummy pull me out, when I'm starting to feel a bit cold. I enjoyed it and hope that Daddy will be the next to bring me for a swim.

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